Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A New Adventure

Okay, okay, so I'm not going out of the country. I am however going out of Texas, which sometimes feels like the same thing. I'm also going to be spending a few days by myself in a strange city, and since this blog was started at least partially for my mother's peace of mind, I figured that now would be a good time to resurrect it.

Well, August will be a good time. Middle of August I'm headed out east coast. I've got a graduate college I'm looking at and, since I'll be there anyway, I figured it'd be a good time to take a look around at some sights I've always wanted to see.

I'm being vague, and it's on purpose, I promise.

In other news, I'd really like to use this blog more often, to write a post every here and there. Since coming back from England I've actually managed to keep a journal, so I'd like to post, oh, once a week or so. Not necessarily about my life because, honestly, when I'm not traveling and seeing amazing sights, it's pretty mundane, but about life in general. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a sucker for quotes and bad puns. So I'd like to put some of that up. I'd like to keep this travel related, and I'll do my best. So, places to go, sights to see might be the order of the day. I think I've been enough places to set something up. Right? Right.

So, here's to a blog that will be informative, and hopefully a bit entertaining.

I guess I'll end with a quote. Hey, maybe I could make this a regular thing!

"Blessed are the Curious, for they shall have Adventures." --Lovelle Drachman

P.S. I'll say this now: I'll do my best to find the proper person to attribute each quote to, but it won't always happen. I'm working mostly with the Internet, and you know how that can be. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and tell me, but please give me a link (or a library book, I'm cool with old fashion) for a source.