Sunday, June 29, 2014


Hey everyone!
Sorry for the lapse in posts. All of my final projects caught up with me and I did not have a good stockpile of posts like I should have. I'll be working on making sure that I have a few reserve posts for when life gets crazy, but I thought I should give everyone an update on what's going on with me and what you can expect from the blog in the next few months.

I've finished my first year of Graduate School! Yay! I've started on my thesis and completed most of my research. This summer I will be working on writing it up, turning in a draft in the fall.

Meanwhile, I am spending the summer as an intern at Stones River National Battlefield in Tennessee. I'm working in the museum a bit, but also working the front desk and giving tours! I really enjoy it, so I'll have to create at least one post, probably two on my experiences here.

In the future, I will continue to try to tighten up the theme of this blog. It's a bit all over the place, mainly because my interests are all over the place. I'm working with an international theme that includes culture, folklore, language, history, and current events. If you have any requests for topics or particular culture areas, let me know and I'll see what I can dig up.

I'll be trying to stick to the same schedule I have been, a new post on Friday and something interesting for you to check out on Tuesdays. Starting next Friday, I should be back on schedule, so look for a new post then.

Thanks to everyone who actually reads this blog. I know that I do it almost exclusively for my own enjoyment, to practice my writing and give myself an outlet for all those other topics that I love but will never make it into a school paper, but I have to admit that seeing that people are actually seeing my posts makes me warm and fuzzy inside. So thank you everyone.

Meanwhile, enjoy some recent pictures!