Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hellos Hiatus, My Old Friend

Despite my best intentions, the blog is on hold for a little while. I am finishing up my thesis and getting through my third semester of graduate school. With my thesis out of the way, next semester should be much calmer and I hope to resume my blog then. Meanwhile, I am going to attempt to write a few reserve posts so that I can keep the blog going through my busier times. I'm also trying to build up a Pinterest and Tumblr following, so I should still be active on those sites. I am hoping to update some of my old posts with pictures from my trips and I'll be posting those, at least.

I have a lot of ideas for different things I want to talk about. Dance is really on my mind at the moment, as well as the cultural uses of accessories (like fans). I also need to finish up/continue the series I have going on the mythical origins of writing and on astronomical mythology. So when the blog comes back, it'll be better than ever!

I am hoping to continue the Share Spotlight, so hopefully that will start up again next week, just to keep content going on my blog.