Thursday, August 4, 2011

Last Days in Canterbury

Well, today is my last day; I fly home tomorrow. Which means that I have half a million things to do.

I finally got my paper all written out, and then I realized that I didn't know exactly how long McGee wanted it. When I asked him at the awards dinner last night (which was hamburgers and bangers in a bib in the garden of a pub, yes alcohol was involved, but not by me) he told me how about 3,000 words. I kind of sheepishly told him that I had upwards of 11,000. At which point he was speechless for a second and then cursed. And the teasing by the grad students commenced. They told me that I was ready for grad school. And McGee invited me to be his grad student. When I got back to my room, I wound up taking the last three pages, which were the analysis part, double spacing it to make it 7, then summing up my other 15 pages (single space) in three paragraphs. Admittedly, they made over a page, but still. That's double spaced. It made me kind of sad. I then inserted history wherever it felt necessary and explained things that now needed explaining and I wound up with ten and a half pages and 3500 words, which is more what McGee was looking for. I've sent it to the grad students and Mom, who are going to help me edit it. It's due tonight at six, but I feel pretty confident with what I've got.

It makes me really sad that all of that work isn't going into my paper, but I think that I'm going to turn this into my Honors thesis. The history is pretty much done. I'd just expand the analysis portion of the essay and it would be done. I really like this period in time (the Norman Conquest) because of how unlikely all of the players were. All three of them should never have been king, but somehow they were, and it changed the course of English history, and honestly probably world history, as well.

Besides my paper, I still need one more Harry Potter book, so come about ten o'clock, I'm going to go hunting. Then I still have to pack and find nibbles, get chocolate for my family, and figure out what I'm doing for lunch and dinner. And breakfast for that matter.

I'll make one more post sometime tomorrow or the next day to say that I've gotten home safely and to sum up the whole trip. So I'll talk to you all again then. :)

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