Monday, August 8, 2011

Looking Back

Sorry it's taken so long, I've just been hanging out for the past couple days.

I did find my last Harry Potter book, so I now have all seven from ENGLAND! I also got what felt like five pounds of chocolate for my family. Naturally, by now it's almost all gone.

The night before I left, I went out with a few friends. We had dinner and hit the pub, the Jolly Sailor, where I somehow got talked into trying some of Ariel's drink. I blame Zach. Of course, Zach also wanted me to do shots, so thank you Sam and Ariel for agreeing that was a bad idea. Sam owed Ariel a drink, so he bought one, on the advice of everyone, something called a snakebite. It apparently has a little less alcohol and blackcurrant syrup, so it's fruity. I managed two sips. Ariel got a great picture of me (which I am NOT putting on Facebook) with a really funny face.We sat in the first floor kitchen and talked until Sam and Ariel met up with the others to go to the Penny. I went up to my room to finish packing and finally went to bed around 12:30.

We got up fairly early and then headed downstairs (with our mountains of stuff) to get on the bus. We made it to the airport with two and half hours to spare, which turned out just right, as we had to stand in a line to stand in line to check our bags. I wasn't over the limit! I did have a very heavy backpack though. :P Ten hours in the air and two and a half books later, I landed in Houston. I had to wait for my Mom, since she'd gotten caught up in traffic, but then I was headed home.

Well... sort of. We stopped in Katy to wander around the mall and keep me awake for a bit before heading home. When I got home, I divied up everybody's stuff (except Dad's, since he's not home right now) and showed them all my stuff. I didn't go to bed until 9:30 Texas time, which was 22 hours after I'd gotten up that morning. I slept for 12 hours.

So, now I'm home, safe and sound and I'm getting ready for the fall semester. I'm moving in in less than a week and I'm still trying to figure out how to get all my stuff there. My books are ordered, my hair is cut (up above my shoulders!) and now I'm going to clean my room so that it is actually possible to move all my stuff. This summer has been amazing and I'm so glad I went on study abroad. I still need to pick out a picture to send in to the study abroad scholarship competition (if you want to help, comment on your favorite on Facebook) but other than that, I'm pretty much ready to begin my Junior year of college. Bring on the GRE, part-time work, and a good library!

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