Saturday, July 16, 2011

Back to Class

So my free days were fun. I finished my essay, made it to the British Museum on my birthday (see below and also, picture are up now. :)) and rested from both Salisbury and the British Museum. So today is back to class. Had class at 8 in the morning and we discussed a bit of scheduling, and then, at 11:30 we are going to the Roman Museum here in Canterbury. We have dinner tonight at 5:30, so it's not quite enough time to go anywhere, so I'm planning on going to the library to get a serious start on the research for my independent study. It kind of makes me sad because it is an absolutely GORGEOUS day outside. It doesn't look like rain and I'm not wearing a jacket! It's been rather cold and always looking like rain for the past few days, so it's nice to see the sun. Everything is so green here, but it all the rain does have a price. I would actually rather be warm and see the sun in Texas than live here year round. Especially since this is the first day IN JULY that I've been able to go out without a jacket. It's a nice break from heat, but I am not a cold weather girl.

Tomorrow at some point we are all supposed to go to the Museum of London to see their Roman stuff, which is the unit we're on for my anthropology class. Since a bunch of people are taking an 11:45 train to see the Freud house, we've discussed the whole class leave at 9 or so and seeing the museum before they go to the Freud house. Since I'm not going to the Freud house, I'm planning on going over to Hyde park and maybe Covent Gardens. I hope the weather stays nice, but I brought heavier jacket so I'll be alright to be outside either way, but I'd rather have a sunny day to walk around and take pictures.

I've discovered that I absolutely LOVE salt and vinegar chips. They have them everywhere here so I can get a bag with lunch. Half the time I save them for a snack later. I'm currently eating a bag I bought with lunch yesterday at the British Museum and never got to. They'll hold me over until I can eat lunch after the museum. I'm going to hold this post until then and finish when I get back.

Well, I accidentally left this until this morning. Oh well.

The museum was pretty cool. We went down stairs so that we were at the level of Roman Canterbury, which is about 15 feet below modern Canterbury. They had displays of what the city would have looked like in Roman times, as well as before and after. They had also excavated part of a house and you could see the remains of it in the museum, because they'd put up glass and left caverns where the foundations and a couple of mosaics were.

I made it to the library to get started on the research for my independent study, then dinner and bed. Today I'm going to see the Museum of London and St. Paul's cathedral.

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