Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Birthday at the British Museum

Word to the wise: Do NOT try to do the British Museum in one day. It was amazing, but my feet hurt. A lot. And there's way to much to see to pay attention to half of it when you're trying to pack everything in. But it was still awesome. Kiki (one of the girls in the program, who was actually supposed to be my roomate, before we got lucky and both got singles) came with me and I'm glad she did. Museums are more fun with somebody, so long as they know how to be about a musuem. Kiki was a lot of fun. She even let me look around the bookstore. :) I didn't get anything, but not for lack of looking. While both of the Egypt halls were packed with people all day, the rest of the halls were reasonable and we could look around at our own pace.

I had two favorite galleries. The first was the gallery that was themed 'Enlightenment'. It was almost a history of the museum! But is was really how scientific thought developed through the early 1800's. The room was set up like a giant study, with floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with books and stuff! And the stuff was so cool I forgot to look at the books. They had a Rosetta Stone that you could touch. Which was good, because I think I elbowed people so I could just see the real one. They had a bunch of busts and statues of people, as well as random stuff, like stuffed birds, canopic jars, Moche pottery, astrolabes, the usual.

My other favorite room was the hall of Egyptian statues. Not the Rosetta Stone, necesarily, that was kind of a pain, but the really big people were cool. There was guy whose head was as big as I was!

I am slowly realizing that I'm a bit punch drunk and if you want proof, you should look at the descriptions for the pictures I took today and put on facebook. To spare the world a similiar fate here, I'm going to bed. I have a productive day planned for tomorrow. We'll see how well that turns out. :)

Oh, and pretty much nothing happened yesterday. I ate lunch and wandered a bit, read a book and went to bed. It felt wonderful.

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