Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunny Day... And Bookstores!

Well, I would usually include this in tomorrow's post, but I just felt that today was special enough to get it's own.

I never did figure out what I was going to do today, so I wound up staying in Canterbury. Since I knew I didn't know what I was going to do, I decided I would go to church after class this morning. And never be said that you aren't rewarded for going to church because lo and behold, I found a little shop with two of the Harry Potter books in the window. The shop didn't open until 11, so I headed back home after church and was a diligent student for a few hours, writing up my notes. I finally came up to date on my notes, so I grabbed my stuff and headed out. I decided I might as well get my backpack today (that's what I'm going to put all my books and other heavy stuff in so it doesn't make my checked luggage heavy). Of course, I went by the little shop and had to go inside first. They only had the 4th and 7th book, but I told them I'd come back after I got my backpack. So I went to the chain bookstore to get a backpack. :) The one I wanted wasn't there, but I'm happy with the one I got. It held all my spoils today, plus my jacket and I wasn't even trying to pack it. So I then headed back to the little shop and got the two books. I asked them where I could find the rest and they pointed me to another charity shop down the way where I found the 3rd and 6th book, as well as, rather randomly, the book I'd been using in the Library for my independent study paper. I decided it was fate and grabbed that one as well. I then kept heading in the same general direction and discovered almost every local shop had a bookstore! I didn't find any more of the Harry Potter books, but I did find a good copy of the Canterbury Tales, which I'd been wanting to get, being in Canterbury and all.

Then I saw and M&S, which has food, and I needed dinner, and I was craving pasta. So I have some mezzalunas and tomato and basil sauce, as well as some fruit, mixed melons and pineapple. I'm going to make half tonight and half tomorrow. Though it might last me three nights, it's a lot, even though it says it's for one. The Sainsbury's was closed so I couldn't get my cranberry juice, but I'll get that tomorrow morning.

I have to say that today turned into a beautiful day. I thought my weatherbug was crazy this morning when it was trying to tell me it was sunny, but the sun came out this afternoon and I've got the window open and had to take my jacket off while I was out and about. I'm a very happy person. :)

Tomorrow the plan (notice how I'm saying 'the plan' now? Too many times that things don't go how I expect) is to go to Hyde Park, as well as Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, and Wellington Gate in the morning, then go to the Victoria and Albert Museum in the afternoon. I can't wait to see Rotten Row! (That's in Hyde Park.)

Now I'm going to go back to being a dutiful student and see if I can't get a bit more written. On my last paper for my Anthro class I think. Write again later. ;)

Update: Anthro paper written, and dinner a smashing success, and I was right, it'll last me three days. The Mezzalunes were awesome! And went well with the sauce, and the fruit was amazing, like all the fruit here. :) Now, just waiting to finalize plans for tomorrow.

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