Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Share Spotlight: How Schools Kill Creativity

This week's Share Spotlight comes from Sir Ken Robinson through TED.
How schools kill creativity

In this 20 minute talk from 2006, Sir Ken Robinson, amid numerous jokes, lays out the biggest problem in out current education system: kids are taught that to be wrong or make mistakes is the worst possible thing they can do.

But is a mistake really that bad? Think of all the scientific breakthroughs that came through mistakes. Safety Glass came about because someone didn't clean out a beaker well enough, the first plastic was meant to be a shellac replacement, and tire rubber came from accidentally dropping a rubber mixture onto a hot plate. (Check out this video for more)

How do we make sure that kids (and adults) know that it is alright to make mistakes? What did you think of his other points, on how important the arts are?

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