Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Share Spotlight: Women to Watch at Sochi

This week's Share Spotlight comes from the Verily Magazine blog.
Women to Watch at Sochi

It's currently all Olympics all the time here (don't worry, I'll get back to neat factoids about the world and the people who live in it after they finish) and Verily Magazine brings us the stories of five women competing in a variety of sports over the next week.

These are women that most people wouldn't see because they are not in sports we associate with female athletes. From the brand-new women's Ski Jump to the harrowing Skeleton to the thrilling Snowboard cross, these women are incredible athletes doing what few in the world could even dream of doing.

Hopefully I'll be able to catch them when they air, but I've got a few others I'm watching. I love to watch Shaun White on a snowboard, particularly the half pipe (which happens at 10:00a and 12:30p E today). I also love the figure skating and the ice dancing, much for the same reason, the grace and strength exhibited on the ice.

What are your favorite sports to watch? Favorite athletes to cheer for? What stories get you invested in these athletes who go so far from home to compete for the sake of their country?

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