Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Share Spotlight: What Price Nonprofit?

This week's Share Spotlight comes from the Center for the Future of Museums blog.
What Price Nonprofit?

The Center for the Future of Museums asks an important question: At what point should nonprofits lose their tax exempt status? In other words, at what point do nonprofits stop being not for profit? In a world where nonprofits are increasingly competing with for profit institutions, where do we draw the line?

Museums have generally been pretty far from this issue, but they are competing with every other entertainment business out there. They either have to strengthen their assertion that they are in fact necessary and worthy of all the tax dollars needed to keep them going or start seriously competing in the world of for profit entertainment and education institutions.

Each museum may need to make its own decision in this matter, but which way should the field go? How might a museum go about implementing either of these options?

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