Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Share Spotlight: Accessibility to Inclusion: The Next Step

This week's Share Spotlight comes from Museum Matters, the official blog of my Intro to Museums class:

This week's topic in my Intro to Museum Studies class was inclusion: how do we make sure everyone can enjoy our museum? 

It's an important question.

Inclusion can mean a lot of different things because it can refer to a number of different groups. If you want to include an ethnic group, you'll do different things than if you want to include a group of people who are sight-impaired.
But whatever you do, it's important that it's sustainable. A special exhibit smacks of tokenism. While it may draw visitors in once, is it really likely to keep them coming back?

Do you have any suggestions? What programs or infrastructure do different groups need to feel comfortable in a museum? What have other fields done to promote inclusion?

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