Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Share Spotlight: China's Foot Binding Tradition

This week's Share Spotlight comes from the podcast Stuff You Missed in History Class.
China's Food Binding Tradition

Another pretty cool podcast this week, this time from the girls at Stuff You Missed in History Class.
Foot Binding occurred in China for around a thousand years. That, as Holly and Tracey mention, is far too long to consider something a "fad."Although painful and debilitating, foot binding proved difficult to stop and there may still be women alive today with bound feet, since the process survived into the 1950s. The practice was eventually stopped largely due to the response of Christian missionaries, who found the process horrifying.

How do we as outsiders look at this and other cultural practices with an objective lens? As Holly and Tracey ask, where do we draw the line between what we find distasteful and what is actually harmful?
(Though no argument here, this was definitely a harmful practice.)

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