Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Share Spotlight: Long Neck Karen Tribe

This week's Share Spotlight comes from Living in Another Language.
Long Neck Karen Tribe

I have been a big fan of Living in Another Language for a while now. Amanda's writing sounds like a real person, someone who gets tired and upset, but also does her best to live life to the fullest and be happy in the now. Not to mention her absolutely incredible photographs.

One of my favorite parts of this post is how Amanda hits on one of the biggest problems I have with cultural tourism: treating people like zoo animals.

Not only is this a fascinating story, but I am so impressed with how she deals with this group of people who have largely been set up to be exploited. Its important to remember that no matter how someone looks or what they do for a living, they are real people, people with hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes.

So treat them like you'd want to be treated.

What do you think of cultural tourism? How do we ensure that folks don't wind up being treated like an exhibit?

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